External Audit of Financial Statements
At CFA we have experts in the financial, accounting and legal area, who with their vast knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), carry out a complete and sufficient Financial Statement Audit service in accordance with a high professional standard.

Thorough review of Financial Statements.
We provide solid services regarding External Audit of Financial Statements that will allow our clients to have reliable information to deliver to their investors, shareholders and the various regulatory entities in order to generate trust and solidity in their businesses, seeking to achieve through a reasonable degree of certainty that the financial statements of either headquarters, branch or subsidiary are free of material errors.
CFA is accredited in the Registry of External Audit Companies (only for legal entities) of the Financial Market Commission in Chile, which authorizes external audit companies to audit the financial statements of corporations supervised by it, according to General Regulation No. 275 and its modifications through General Regulation No. 355, which establish the registration and operation rules of this registry.
Labor Law Due-Diligence
At CFA, lawyers in synergy with our Accounting and Tax area, support mergers and acquisitions, or internal reviews, also prepare labor audit reports, in which remuneration structures, labor compliance, and especially possible Labor, tax and social security contingencies that may arise in the target company for the purposes of a correct assessment of the company’s employment situation.
At CFA we are constantly reviewing the opinions and rulings of the Chilean Labor authority and the Labor Courts and Superior Courts of Justice, which allows us to provide updated advice on current law trends.

Audit procedures with high professional standards
Our audit includes the examination, based on evidence that supports the amounts and information disclosed in the financial statements, including also evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the significant estimates made by the Company’s management, as well as an evaluation of the overall presentation of the financial statements.
At CFA we review that what is recorded on the balance sheet effectively represents assets in favor of the company and that there is no overvaluation of these, in a similar way with liabilities and accounting accounts. For the above, it is necessary to know the objectives, structure, operation and procedures related to the business carried out by the company. This implies achieving the deepest possible knowledge of the company in the time allotted for the audit.

Complete, sufficient and independent audit.
A solid audit provides the certainty necessary for the company to continue growing optimally. Our firm performs audit services in a complete, efficient and independent manner, in conjunction with the following procedures:
(i) Planning
(ii) Compliance Tests.
(iii) Review of balances.
(iv) Analytical reviews of assets, liabilities and results
(v) Validation of the existence and valuation of Inventories
(vi) Review of bank reconciliations
(vii) Balance confirmations, for customers, suppliers and banks
(viii) Compliance