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Our Services

Lawyers and auditors who provide legal, accounting and tax services in a solid and reliable manner. At CFA we are committed to the progress of our clients’ business, their problems and challenges.

Our company

CFA has been in the Chilean market for more than 20 years providing solid accounting, financial, tax and legal services, supporting large, medium and small companies, standing out for the quality and reciprocal trust in relationships with its clients. With CFA your company will be able to grow safely and efficiently.

News Alerts

Find out about national news and developments in tax matters, along with legislative developments in the area of ​​Business Law and rulings issued by Chilean administrative authorities that contain relevant issues for your company.

Tax Newsletter (February 2024)

Tax Newsletter. The CFA Tax&Legal team summarized the main SII publications to date (February 2024). Review the sections of this edition below: 1.- Income Tax Law Rulings 2.- Other Laws Rulings 3.- VAT Rulings 4.- Circulars and...

Labor Law Newsletter January 2024

The CFA Legal area team summarized the main publications of the Labor authority ("DT") at the beginning of the year 2024 and other relevant news. Review the sections of this edition below: 1.- Bills. 2.- News. 3.- Labor authority's...

Tax Obligations Compliance Project

This Tuesday, January the 23th, 2024, the government announced the details of the “Tax Obligations Compliance Project”, which seeks to raise 1.5% of GDP through 7 main items: i) Modernization of the tax administration and the Tax and...



At CFA we have a history of more than 20 years in the Chilean market. We provide our services to multiple clients who continue to trust us day by day.

Hisense, within the leading brands in sales of TVs

Our partner Gabriel Avilés legally represents and permanently advises Hisense Chile on Business Law matters since 2019. Additionally, CFA’s accounting-tax area provides permanent tax consulting services, highlighting advice on Transfer Pricing matters and issuance of affidavits No. 1907 and  No. 1887 (payroll). We have supported the Chinese giant brand Hisense since it started with its subsidiary in Chile.

Inesco Chile, Engineering & Construction

Our partners José Luis and Gabriel Avilés legally represent and advise Inesco Chile on Business Law, Corporate Law, Labor Law and Immigration Law since 2022. Additionally, CFA’s accounting-tax area provides accounting outsourcing services and monthly and annual tax compliance.

Teka, among leaders brands of kitchen appliances

CFA provides tax audit and tax compliance services, with special emphasis on Income Tax Return process and Transfer Pricing advice to the Chilean subsidiary of the Teka group. Teka is a major player in the market for kitchen appliances, whose technology surprises its customers every day. Our working relationship stands out for its long duration and trust at the Management and Finance area.

Nazar Transport Companies

The tax and financial audit area has been providing services for more than 15 years to the Nazar Transport Group, whose activities in the transportation field are growing day by day, serving the main retail and food chains in the country, with transportation for mining, dry cargo, multi-temperature and fuels. At CFA we build relationships of mutual trust that are to be kept year after year.

Woodgrove Technologies, mining technology expert

CFA provides monthly and annual accounting and tax compliance advisory services to the Chilean subsidiary of the Woodgrove group, a world leader in flotation technology and advanced process control for the mining and mineral processing industry. Our work relationship stands out for having fluid and effective communication at the Management and Finance areas.

Dolce & Gabbana, at the cutting edge of international fashion

CFA provides tax advisory services to the Chilean subsidiary of Dolce&Gabbana, a company that is at the forefront of the fashion market. At CFA we provide personalized and agile tax advice that has provided adequate solutions to D&G’s operations in Chile.